
28 Tablets


Rosuvastatin – 20 mg


  • Primary hypercholesterolemia according to Fredrickson classification (type Ha, including family heterozygous hypercholesterolemia) or mixed hypercholesterolemia (type lib) as a supplement to the diet, when diet and other non-drug treatments (for example, physical exercises, weight loss) are insufficient;
  • Hypertriglyceridemia (type IV according to Fredrickson’s classification) as a supplement to the diet;
  • To slow the progression of atherosclerosis as a supplement to the diet in patients, which shows the therapy to reduce the concentration of total cholesterol and LDL-C;
  • Primary prevention of major cardiovascular complications (stroke, heart attack, arterial revascularization) in adult patients without clinical signs of ischemic heart disease, but with an increased risk of its development (age over 50 for men and over 60 for women), an increased concentration of C-reactive protein (> / l), if at least one of the additional risk factors, such as hypertension, low concentration of HDL-C, smoking, family history of early onset of coronary artery disease.


Hypersensitivity, severe impairment of the functional state of the kidneys (creatinine clearance less than 30 ml / min), liver disease in the active phase (including persistent an increase in the activity of liver transaminases), myopathy, joint administration of cyclosporine, lactation period, pregnancy, age under 18 years (safety and efficacy not established), women of reproductive age who do not use reliable means of contraception.

MODE OF APPLICATION: The dose of rosuvastatin should be selected individually, taking into account the indications, the response to treatment and general characteristics of the patient.